Friday, January 11, 2013

The Great Snowthing Of 2012

The day after the blizzard, the sunshine turned the heavy white blanket into the the kind of snow great things are made of.  :)  My guys looked at the picture on my fridge of The Great Snow Buggy my brother and I made when we were younger.  Then they decided it was their turn to carry the snow sculptor’s torch.

1My two oldest boys began working together.

  2The snowballs turned to snow boulders in no time! 


17 gretaGreta, of course, got busy making landmines which we had to detour around, lol!  Some help she was!


4Thankfully, my husband came over to help my oldest son lift the “head” into position.  At this point, they still weren’t sure what they wanted to make.


6It just kind of evolved. :) A little packing here…a little carving there…and a whole lot of discussion.


10With the fading daylight, the snow lost it’s magical packing quality and we had to call it finished.  Though we still couldn’t decide what exactly we had made, lol!


SnowThing It was part lion, part dog, a little cat, and who knows what else.  Eventually, the boys began calling it Greta, lol!  My little guy loved riding on its back.  Of course!


Sadly, the warm weather and rain have taken their toll…So sad Still, I love the green grass and warmer temps.  It makes walking our real dog SO much nicer!!  Lol!

Have a wonderful weekend friends!


Mari said...

They did a great job! That was one huge snow sculpture.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Whatever it is, it's cool. They did a great job.
I'm always amazed at how quickly the snow can disappear. We had one of the most beautiful days here today. 81 degrees and low humidity. Just perfect.

Keetha Broyles said...

What a very cool snow sculpture!