Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer Camp

Summer CampYesterday, we dropped my two oldest sons off for a week of Summer Camp.

They will have the time of their lives.  They’ll fish, canoe, swim, rock climb and even do something called the blob.

They’ll make new friends, have devotions with their counselors, and learn more about missions.  All while being surrounded by the prayers of the staff.

This is the second year for my oldest, and the first for my middle son.  They both really wanted to go, and we thought it a worthwhile investment.  It’s certainly not cheap.  But many churches, like ours, offer some small assistance financially.  Some churches may even provide scholarships.  So it is worth inquiring around, if your budget is tight.

I grew up going to summer camps.  The church I attended as a girl offered scholarship money for Bible Memory.  The chapters I memorized for Church Bucks are still with me and remind me of the hours I spent with my mom learning them.  Plus, I have some wonderful memories as a camper, and later as a counselor, and even camp director.

So, naturally, I want my boys to have the same opportunities.

Many of the counselors and staff at this camp volunteer their time, and in some cases, use vacation time, to be there.  I can’t thank them enough for investing so much into the lives of these kids.  In the lives of my kids.

I’m praying that God reaches out this week to the kids and their counselors, and reveals himself in a new and powerful way. 

I’m praying, also, for my  own refreshment.  Let’s face it, a mom’s job is still her job even on family vacations.  So she often arrives home more tired than ever.  Am I right?

But summer camp is different.  And it’s more than just not having to arbitrate fights, do extra laundry, or entertain all their friends.  Though I’d be lying if I didn’t say a break from that is welcome. 

It’s more that I can relax in the knowledge that my kids are well cared for, having the time of their lives, and being totally bathed in prayer by many, many people.  It’s like, for a week, they are totally in God’s hands.  And what could be better?

Summer camp is a wonderful ministry, not just to the kids, but to families, and I’m so thankful for those that make it possible.

It would be fun to hear about your favorite camp memory.  Feel free to share it with us in a comment.  :)

To see what others are thankful for today, visit Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers. 


Mari said...

They are at camp Allendale? That's the name of the town I live in. Hope they have a great time and you don't miss them too much!

Tracey said...

I am both looking forward to and dreading the time when my girls are old enough to go to camp! I will miss them terribly but know that they will grow and expand their horizons in countless ways by taking these beginning steps away from us. Trust your boys are having a great week (and you as well!)