Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stormy Day

Getting darker

Today, we stuck close to the radio.

There were Severe Storm Warnings across Indiana, and two funnel clouds were spotted about a mile away.

My little guy and I watched as the sky darkened and the wind picked up. 

The lightening was fantastic, and the crackling of the close ones was a little frightening.  I scurried around to unplug things and break out the camp lantern as the electric began to flicker. 

By lunch time, the power was out, and we were eating by lantern.  Because it was this dark.Look how dark  

If it weren’t for the flash on my camera, this one would not have turned out.  And yes, those are snowflakes on my valance.  Consider me early for Christmas.  Or something.

Listening to the radio, I heard reports of how bad things had been hit just to our south, where the boys are going to camp.  I prayed for their safety.

We were much more fortunate than many, who are still without power.  One friend in the area had a huge tree crash through her roof.  After 60 mile an hour winds, and somewhere around 4 inches of rainfall, the only things I saw in our yard were a few sticks scattered around. 

I’ve since learned that the boys, at camp, were gathered in a safe area, and the worst missed them. 

By the time my husband was ready to come home from Indy, the roads had been cleared of trees, and the water had receded. 

Thank you Lord, for your protection. 

You are my hiding place;

you will protect me from trouble

and surround me with songs of deliverance. 

Psalm 32:7


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I"m so glad you are okay. Storms like that can be so scary!
Big hugs to you sweet friend.

Mari said...

I'm glad you are all safe. It sounds like a scary time!

Keetha Broyles said...

I saw on my weather bug on the computer that there were storms south of us - - - but we barely had a drop or two here. Funny how we are in the same state and had such different days!!! I didn't even NOTICE that there were storm warnings 'cause nothin' was happening here!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you Lord is right. Amen