Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My New “I Mean Business” Badge

I love my boys.  Really, I do. 

But there are days where I can’t find them (or myself) among the piles of their debris. 

They are extremely adept at disappearing when I call them.  Not the piles.  The boys.  The only thing that assures me they still live here is the fact that the piles shift and expand.

Each morning, I’ve fallen into the habit of making large piles of toys, Lego's, dirty socks, shin guards, light sabers and various other weapons in the middle of each room.  I’ve seriously considered making a burnt offering out of them.  JUST KIDDING, GUYS. Maybe.

My goal is to, when I find them, rope them into hauling it all back to where it belongs.

On one of my straightening endeavors, I came across a recycled bag of conservation items one of the boys brought home from school.  It contained a Yogi Bear coloring book, a dead sapling, a green pencil, etc.

…and this sticker.  (Do you like the toilet brush I managed to include in the picture?)  Do look closely.  Your Litter

Your Litter is “Bugging Me!”  

Those little black things are ants crawling on a ring of flowers and grass.

Jack-Pot!  Oh yes!  I peeled that baby off on the spot and slapped it on my shirt.  My wide-eyed boys looked for all the world like they had just seen their mom cross over to the dark side. 

I saved that sticker, feeling totally akin to those ants.

I now don my sticker when the piles get knee high, or I stumble onto (or over, as the case may be) things that need three boys’ attention.

Closet before

Like this closet.  It desperately needed help.  I was hearing things like, “Mom, I don’t have any shorts that fit me!”

That’s the wrong thing to say (boys) if you want Mom to believe you’ve been hanging your clothes up and sorting them when they come back from the wash.  Because you KNOW the first thing I’m going to do is take a look in your closet.

In my book, it’s one thing to have no shorts that fit.  But it’s a totally different thing when you simply can’t find any.

Having three boys, and having been a mom for 11 and 3/4 years, I’m well aware of their handicap when it comes to finding things.  Especially when the heaps they are looking in have more than one layer. 

No.  We didn’t need a trip to the store.  We needed an hour of sorting (directed by a sticker clad mom) in order to find the dozens of shorts hidden in the mix.

Closet after 

Ahhhhhhhh.  Now.  Isn’t that better boys?  What a great job, even if it did about killlllll you to do it. 

This post is linked to: Tackle It Tuesday


Krisi and Adam said...

They did a great job!

Check out my tackle:

Anonymous said...

There are 2 closets in this house that need that attention. They are, of course, the kids' closets. A cattle prod and some chocolate might get them in gear to clean the closets. LOL
Great tackle!

Keetha Broyles said...

Good luck with this one. I never did succeed, and finally gave up and let them live in their pig sties.

For a WHILE I tried collecting all their belongings that were draped around the house out of place and putting them in a huge black trash bag, and not letting them have them back for days and days. That helped for a while until they realized they had sooooooo much junk they didn't really MISS anything in the bag - - - -

Kristi said...

My girls cleaned their closets this week too. Amazingly, they always seem to find things that they had forgotten that they had. Blessings to you!

Susie said...

Great job inspiring that tackle!!

Muthering Heights said...

Your sticker is so funny!!!

It Feels Like Chaos said...

Love this and can so relate! My oldest son even has a special bucket just for light sabers in his room, but they are never returned there, rather they are scattered the length of the upstairs! It is a never-ending tiresome job training these boys to clean-up, but I like to think if I keep at it, my future daughter-in-laws will thank me one day!!