Monday, June 8, 2009

Masked Bandit Strikes Again!

A little over two weeks ago we had our first bandit strike.  Finding one of the trash lids unsecured, a critter was able to discover a veritable smorgasbord of delightfully disgusting tidbits. 

And drag them all over the yard.  Don’t you hate that??

Ever since then, it’s been all out war.

Determined DinerWe were fairly convinced it was the work of a raccoon.  So we set our live trap. 

Sure enough.  The next morning we were able to remove one large raccoon from our property.  Permanently.

To our disappointment, a few nights later, our cans’ contents were dragged all over the yard again.  

We’ve reset the trap.  Again, and again.  But, somehow, the bandit keeps steeling the bait, tripping the trap, and getting away to raid our trash cans at will. 

Yesterday, I strapped bungees over the trash lids in an attempt to keep the bandits out.  But, as you can see from the picture I took this morning, it didn’t work! 

It’s a wonder he was able to get all that stuff out of the can without getting his head caught!  Because the tight bungee was still in place! He’s crazy determined!  Lol!

So, I ask you, friends, do you have any other suggestions?  I really don’t want to have to bring those smelly cans inside.  But this is beyond old, and I’m not sure what else to do.



Keetha Broyles said...

Fresh out of raccoon tips - - - but they ARE determined little bandits, aren't they????

Penny said...

Hot Pepper sauce!!!!! Sprinkle it liberally on the can lid, the trash can contents . . . I've used it on a racoon that came pounding on my door in the middle of the night, on cats using the garden as a litter box, cats that insisted on climing the tent we had out to dry . . . you get the idea. Actually, cats have been using the garden as a litter box again lately. Guess what I'm adding to the grocery list.

Beth@Not a Bow in Sight said...

Yikes! Here's hoping you catch him soon!

Mari said...

They sure can make a mess! I like the hot pepper idea!

Christina said...

Oh, yuck. That's no fun! I hope you manage to catch (or at least deter) the crafty critter soon!