Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Definitely Human


In the interest of touting my humanity (heh-hem), here’s what my house looked like (still) after I got home from the middle school orientation tonight.     

My washing machine started pitching fits around 4:00 and actually popped a circuit.  It cut out my internet (the router is on the same circuit) until my husband got home and figured out the connection. 

It might have been a fluke.  Or my machine might be dying.  Or maybe it was a God thing to get me off the keyboard and back to sorting?? 

It didn’t matter much in the end since we had to head out.  The piles remained.

Hopefully, my washer will be in a better mood tomorrow and will help me finish this job. 

Because the piles are mocking me. 

Yet, I’m the only one they seem to be bothering.  Everyone else went to bed oblivious to the unfinished work.

How can they sleep????  LOL!  My type A personality is such a thorn in my flesh sometimes.  Really!  I’m heading to bed, too, just to prove I can leave a mess unattended.   The trick will be falling asleep!!  I need psychiatric help, no doubt.

1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

Ah, but it is such a PURPOSEFUL mess. Thanks for showing us!!!