Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Come Have a Cup of Coffee With Me!

Boy!  The last month has gone by so quickly!  Having Mom here has been wonderful!  It’s the first time in I don’t know how many years that we actually had family at our house for Christmas.  And I think she has survived our chaos with a fair amount of her sanity in tact, lol!  And that’s saying a lot.  Because the kids’ Christmas break ended up being THREE WEEKS LONG, thanks to the polar blast or whatever they called it.  1604470_10202031160054261_192748645_n[1]

We got a foot of snow, followed by the coldest temperatures I have ever experienced.  One night it got down to –16, with a high of –5!  I know it is probably nothing compared to our neighbors to the north.  But it was cold enough for me! That’s for sure!

We didn’t lose power, and our wood stove kept the house fairly warm.  So I have a lot to be thankful for!  The only thing we lost was the satellite signal for our T.V.  The snow stuck to the dish and I had to ask my hubby and oldest son to get out a ladder and pretty please clean it off.  Yes, I did.  DSC_0214 There was no way I was going to miss the opener for Downton Abbey!  Lol!  Aren’t they good guys??

My ladies in the hen house made out just fine.  I worried a little that they might freeze to death.  But we put a heat lamp and water heater in the coop and it kept it decently warm in there.  I’m pretty sure they spent the whole week basking in the heat of the lamp and welcoming every mouse within 20 miles to their house party.  We’re still trying to crash the party.  Sigh.

It was nice towards the end of last week to finally start seeing a little improvement in the roads.  It’s amazing how subzero weather makes the ice just cling to the highways!  Saturday was the first day we made it out anywhere.  Thank goodness there were soccer games to go to.  My guys were more than ready to burn off some steam.  Let me tell ya!

The snow was beautiful.  But I’m almost ready for Spring.  :)

Saturday, my friend and I are leaving to take Mom home.  I’ll miss her!  But she has some things that she needs to take care of and I’m sure she is ready for a little peace and quiet.  :)  Pray for a safe trip if you think about it.  This time of year, a little clipper system can make traveling dicey, and the forecast is for just such a system to follow us east. 

I’m hoping to be home later next week and maybe even pick back up on the blogging.  Gasp!  Lol!  I know, you’ll believe it when you see it!  Seriously, I’ve missed visiting with you all, and I’m truly looking forward to catching up and getting back on a respectable schedule.  Love you all!


Christine said...

All that snow was so pretty, wasn't it? At least from the windows. ;)
I'm glad you are having such a nice visit with your mom. She got a lot more than she bargained for, with everyone snowed in for so long!
Have a safe trip!

Mari said...

Your snow picture is so pretty! It was pretty here too, but that cold was horrible and I've really had enough snow for this year.
Glad the visit with your Mom went well and I pray for good travels back to her place.