Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Want To See What He Got?

six years old

Yesterday, we pretty much partied all day long.  And even though it never did cool down, we made our way outside to sweat finish the party with the neighborhood gang.  Water wars, capture the flag, hot dogs (per birthday boy’s request), ice cream and cake!

And then we broke out the last two gifts.  :)


We picked up this totally cool scooter for $10 off Craig’s list and he loved it!  Within an hour of riding it around, he was doing little jumps and tricks.  So far, no major road rash.  (Always a plus!!) 

green machine

And this awesome Huffy Green Machine?  We picked it up for $30  off of Craig’s List!  Neither are perfect, by any means.  But does this look like a boy who cares about a few scuffs?

I say “we” picked up the things, but I suppose I should clarify our operation.

I find the bargains.  And my husband picks them up.  I think he’s beginning to dread my midday phone calls where I tell him what he needs to pick up (and where from) on his way home!  He’s such a good sport about it, though.

One time, he jokes, he met another dad at a gas station to exchange a bag of toys for money.  As they were standing at the trunks of their cars, the two got to laughing at how it must look.   They felt like any minute the police were going to pull up and check out what they were dealing in!  Lol!  The things we make our husband’s do!

But seriously, buying from Craig’s List does two things.  It saves us money.  And it also helps other families who may be hurting for cash.  If you are careful and do your homework, it can be win-win.

Maybe I’ll try to gather my thoughts and share some of the things I’ve learned in another post.  There are definitely some tips and tricks to Craig’s List, not to mention a few safety precautions.

Family News…!

Today at 12:50, my middle son goes to the orthodontics office to get his braces put on.  It will take a good part of the afternoon, and I suspect that he’ll have some adjusting to do over the next few days.  I’m sure he would appreciate your prayers for everything to go smoothly.  And for us not to run out of ice cream until he’s good and adjusted.  :)


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I love Craigslist! I bought all 3 hutches I have off of Craigslist. LOL! My husband cringes when I look at the furniture category! Hee! Hee!
He looks like he's enjoying his "new" toys!!
Have a fabulous day my friend!

Tracey said...

I also like getting deals (and selling things!) on Craigslist. You got some neat bargains!

Hope the braces ordeal goes well! My older daughter will be getting hers on in the next three to six months and I'm hoping it's an easy adjustment.

Christina said...

Great photos, as usual. I love your little guys delighted grin! Praying for your middle son's tough adjustment...I've never had braces, but I know that even plain dental work is never fun and can imagine how painful the tough orthodontic stuff is.

Keetha Broyles said...

Wow!!! What a birthday life!!!

I think he'll owe Craig's list a BIG thank you!

Mari said...

You did great! So what if there were a few scratches? They would happen anyway.
Praying about those braces!