Thursday, July 29, 2010

Not Fit For Man Or Beast


That’s what it’s been outside.  HOT. HUMID. And Stormy.  It’s the pea soup of summer time.

The boys are actually getting tired of video games!!! Lol!

It seriously cracks me up.  I’ll venture outside to get the mail (an exciting walk it is NOT), and all three boys will follow me out.

Ooching and Ouching in their bare feet over the hot steamy pavement.

And one thing leads to another.

And soon, they’re having a puddle jumping contest in the grossly warm puddles.


This one got some serious air!


Of course, what’s a warm puddle when there’s a perfectly good hose full of cold water?! 


Isn’t it amazing how wonderful the house feels when you come back in?  It goes from stuffy to arctic in the space of a water fight.  :)

How are you all staying cool? 

This post is linked to Just for the Joy Of It, and You Capture (theme:  Play).  Check them out for more fun!!


In case you’re wondering why my posts have been sporadic, here are some of the things that are keeping us busy…

  • Bible School.  There are two more days.  I can’t tell you how proud I am of my older boys helping out, or of my little guy for being such a “big boy”.
  • Orthodontics Appointments.  My middle son goes today to get forms made.  And I get to sign the contract.  Oh joy.
  • House sitting.  I have the wonderful kind of neighbors who ask us to swim in their pools while they’re on vacation to help the filters do their job.  It’s tough.  But we’re doing out best.  :)
  • Birthday shopping.  My little guy turns 6 in four days.  My oldest turns 13 in 20.  Sheesh! 


the lamb said...

awwww loooks like they had a blast!

Lee-Ann said...

Puddle jumping is definately fun but I'm not sure about warm puddles when that cold hose is there! Stopping by from Good, True, and Beautiful.

Elizabeth Lyng said...

What an awesome shot of that mid-air jump!

Beth@Not a Bow in Sight said...

What fun! Fabulous pictures. We've been going to the pool A LOT this summer.