Thursday, June 10, 2010

So Many Lives Given In This Field

Vacation log…#1

We spent the morning at Gettysburg today.  The views from Little Round Top were spectacular.   We could not have asked for a more beautiful day. 

Little Round Top cannon 

Little Round Top

Before we left for vacation, we watched the movie, Gettysburg.  So images of battle were fresh in all of our minds.  It’s hard to believe that over 53,000 men lost their lives in this battle.

After visiting Little Round Top, we drove around and spent some time looking at things from where the Confederates formed their lines. 

Confederate line

In the distance, you can see Little Round Top on the left, and Big Round Top dead center.  I can’t imagine being a soldier and preparing to charge across these open fields.  Fields where Union cannon fire would rain down from the ridges above.  It would have taken incredible courage.

We learned a lot during today’s visit, and would love to be able to come back and spend more time.

Tonight, we are staying in Arlington. 

We ventured out to the Washington Mall area and enjoyed an absolutely gorgeous evening.  The Capital BldgThe sunset was breathtaking.

Sunset at Mnmt

A group leader, who was awaiting a ride to the top of the monument, gave us his extra tickets.  So all five of us enjoyed a free ride to the very top.  What a totally neat experience!

Capital Bldng

And What incredible views!!

Lincoln Memorial

We’re meeting some of my husband’s family tomorrow and seeing some of the museums.  We’re also planning to take a bus tour.  It promises to be a busy day, so I’d better get to bed now.

When I find time, I’ll post more pictures!  Happy Friday folks!

PhotoStory Friday

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


Mari said...

I'm jealous! I want to go there. Your pictures are beautiful!

debi9kids said...

What a fantastic trip you are on!
I am recapping my family's vacation on my blog right now too...

Sounds like both of our families took/are taking very interesting trips this year!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Oh how fun! We'd like to take a homeschool trip around our country and see all the historic sights.

Can't wait to see more pictures.

Christina said...

Beautiful photos! Thank you for taking the time to update while you're on your trip. I hope the rest of it goes very well!

Cecily R said...

Oh, I'm jealous! My husband spent two years in that area before we got married, and I would LOVE to visit with him someday soon!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Some day I'd like to see these places and walk were freedoms were fought for.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

We visited there a very long time ago...when I was very young. It is a very emotional place. Beautiful photos!

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

Oh my goodness you are on vacation!! I have been so busy with school I have not checked your blog as of late. :) Gettysburg is great, that is good you watched the movie first. They have a really nice new welcome center also. We have rode bikes through the battlefield several times, it's always a memorable event. Did your boys like Devil's Den?
And DC is always FUN! We went up in the monument 2 years ago, the view is awesome! Will you be in Lanc. Co any?????? You must hit Shady Maple...we are going tomorrow morning! :)