Friday, October 17, 2008

Busy Fall Nights Call For Charts

Last night we signed my oldest up for basketball. He is excited about playing for his school team. They will practice after school, and have games on Saturdays. He hasn't played in a formal setting before, so this should be good experience. Many of his friends will be playing as well.

Then it was on to soccer practice. Here's a shot of my two attempting to score on their coach. It is fun to watch them grow as players, and learn new skills.

Tonight, they have football club after school. That is just once a week on Fridays (Thank goodness).

There will be a few weeks where all three sporting activities overlap and it will probably get pretty crazy. But a little crazy is O.K. Sometimes having less free time helps them to prioritize and use time wisely. But I'll definitely be making up new charts to help them keep on top of things.

Currently, we are using one set of charts with two categories. On them, there are things that need to get done before school, and then after school (before play). But I need to include more of the basic stuff that gets forgotten in the rush, like emptying out their lunch boxes and getting their soccer socks to the laundry!

While I'm at it, I think I'll make one for myself! Did I mention that I got mixed up last week about who's turn it was to pick up the kids (3/4 miles away) at the bus stop? It happened to be the ONE day it was raining (figures). All 5 of the neighborhood kids were huddled together under a neighbor's tree. Fortunately, I realized before they were down there too long. But, I need a chart.

Charts are good.

We're going to need a bigger fridge this fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, charts are good. Now if I could only get busy and make some for my family!