Monday, May 11, 2015

Spring At Our House

I can’t remember the last time I shared pictures just for fun.  So today, I want to take you on a walk around our yard.  Are you up for it?

This is the row of trees out by the road.  My husband planted them as little 18 inch sticks 12 years ago.  The blooms on our red bud tree in contrast are just beautiful!  And if you look closely just past the line of trees, you can see my neighbor’s white dog wood trees in road

I took the next picture standing in our driveway and looking across our front yard.  The burgundy barberry, lavender creeping phlox and flowering crab apple tree look so nice together!

front yard between beds

One of my favorite places, though, is out back.  If you walk out behind our house and through the woods a little bit, you come to our neighbor’s pond.  My husband helped him build it and so he welcomes us any time we like to enjoy it.  It’s so peaceful!

 Big tree by dock

If you walk just past the big tree above and look out to the left, there is a big field of clover.  It is SO pretty, especially under a clear blue sky.

Far side of dock

Did you notice that the sides of the pictures are blurred just a bit?  That’s because I was experimenting a little bit in preparation for taking pictures for my oldest son’s prom, lol! 

Yes, I said prom.  My oldest son’s girlfriend is a senior and so he got to take her to the senior prom.  I’m hoping to get a few of those pictures posted very soon!  That is, if any of you are interested! Winking smile


Mari said...

This is such a pretty time of year! I've been enjoying the dogwoods here too and our redbud is flowering for the first time this year.
Your yard is just lovely - looks like a park! I remember when the pond was being put in, and now look at it!
I enjoyed my walk!

Christine said...

I'm interested!!
I know I've seen photos of your property before, but these are gorgeous. Such a wonderful place for your kids to grow up. But where's the chicken coop?