Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Shall I Cook???

Do you ever go into Goodwill looking for something specific and come out with something totally different?  To me, that’s the joy and bane of Goodwill Shopping.  You never know what they’ll have on any given day.

I went into Goodwill yesterday looking for a particular book, and came out with this George Foreman Jumbo Grill.  George Foreman GrillI felt like a total thief!  Lol!  You can’t see the price, but it says $5.99.  Do you know how long I’ve been scouring Craigslist looking for one of these?? 

When I saw that thing on the shelf, I went into crazy shopper mode.  I immediately plugged it into the test outlets and parked my cart in front of the shelf.  No way was I letting someone else snatch it up!  I stood right there and almost (almost, mind you) giggled when I saw the display light up and felt the heat pouring on.  :)

And this one is huge!Cooking Surface

I’ll be able to cook at least eight decent size burgers on this thing if I place them just right.  But even if I need more, it will only take minutes.  right?

Last night I cooked steak on it and was tickled with how evenly it cooked them.

But now I need ideas.  Lots more ideas!  What would be good to cook on my new grill? 


Mari said...

What a great deal! I like to do chicken breasts on mine.

Christina said...

Wow! What an amazing find!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I mainly used mine for burgers but chicken cooks good on there as well. I haven't used it in awhile because my hubby likes to grill so when I say burgers he fires up the grill. LOL! Hey it's easier on me so I'm not complaining. Ha! Ha!
But on another note. What a score that was. My mom gave us ours so I guess that was a score too.
Have a fabulous day my friend.