Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our Christmas Tree Story

I put up the whole tree just once.  Its twelve feet of height (and the need for an eight foot ladder) overwhelmed me. 

The next year, I left a three foot section of it in the box.  I thought it looked much nicer.  However, when the boys saw my revamped tree after school, they were a little “put out” with me.

The following year, I left two sections in the box, and the “peanut gallery” had a fit.

Last week, I was secretly wondering how to make just the little tip of the tree fit securely in the stand.  (Don’t laugh.  What goes up, must come down…right?  And who usually takes it down?  Me, of course.)

As if they could read my mind, the boys insisted on taking over the job this year.

They hauled in the ladder, then carried in baskets of branches from the monster-sized box in the garage.  As they went, they sorted and fluffed each branch and hung them on the trunk. 

Everysingle…one of them. 

All by themselves!

tree building_thumb[6]

It’s the first time I didn’t get involved in the tree-building process and I have to say, that was nice.   Very nice.  And they did a wonderful job! 

When my husband got home, we hung the lights...


And the decorations.

Tree 2010_thumb[4]

And we now have a BIG beautiful tree.  Because, apparently, boys like big.  Enough to do the job themselves.  Which is saying something.

As for me, you know how you enjoy a dinner out so much more because you didn’t have to prepare it? 

I discovered, at least for me, it’s the same with Christmas trees!

Do you think the boys will insist on helping with the take-down? 


Yeah, me neither.

The boys are off from school now for two weeks.  So I’m not going to press myself to blog.  I’m hereby giving myself permission to not feel guilty about the scarcity of posts over the last few weeks, or the next two.  I want to enjoy this time with my family.  :)


Merry Christmas!



Mari said...

The tree looks beautiful!
Merry Christmas - enjoy the time with your family!

Anonymous said...

Girl... the tree is gorgeous!!

Closer to Lucy said...

Oh Wow!! So beautiful! Maybe you'll get lucky and get some help with the take down, but hopefully you've started a tradition...boys and building Mom's big tree.

How sweet!

Doing a bit of hopping. Hope you'll come by Lucy’s when you get a chance.

Honey Mommy said...

Wow! Your tree was enormous and fantastic!

I love our artificial tree because it is only 7 feet tall and already has lights on it. Talk about easy!