Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Return On An Investment

For the last few soccer games, I’ve kind of made myself the team photographer.  I enjoy playing with my camera and I love watching the games.  So put the two together, and I’m having a bunch of fun!

Some of the things I inadvertently capture are comical.  You know.  The funny faces of concentration and exertion.  Or the awkward kick that just missed the ball.  And a good many of them I simply delete when I get home.

But every once in a while, I capture something amazing.  Not in the picture itself, but rather the event.

Like this. 

The perfect kick

See this penalty kick goal?  Number 22 was taking the kick.  And when the ball went in, the team went wild as they cheered, high-fived, and congratulated him on a beautifully placed shot. 

Not because they needed this goal.  (We were already ahead by several.) 

But because this player, maybe more so than any other, had needed the encouragement.

It was truly a magical moment.

celebration I’m really thankful for these coaches who model constant encouragement and affirmation.  They are having such a positive influence on these boys’ lives! 

I loved seeing that encouraging spirit played out among the players.  And it was inspiring to watch the guys sincerely celebrate a teammate’s personal achievement. 

I thought to myself, this is what coaching is all about.  And this is exactly what I want my boys to take home from the game.

Thank you coaches!  We appreciate you, and the many hours you are investing in our boys’ lives!!!

Linked up with Gratituesday at Laura’s Heavenly Homemaker, and Jamie’s 30 Minute Blog Challenge.


Mari said...

You are right - that is what coaching is all about! Great moment!

se7en said...

Hay 30 minute mom, that's a great photo!!! Love the action!!!

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

Yep Hubs and I have been the team photographers for several of the kids team......and yes some of the shots are rather comical. And so much fun when you get a good one. It's like treasure hunting. :)
And yes you are right that is what coaching is all about!

It Feels Like Chaos said...

Great pictures and what you said is so true! We have been blessed with great coaches, too, so far in sports teams. Our last baseball coach gathered the boys in a huddle at the end of each game and individually mentioned each boy and praised something they did during the game even if it was just really hustling to first base (yet still getting out)!

Honey Mommy said...

Great photos! I hope to put my boys in team sports soon and hope they have coaches this great.