Monday, July 27, 2009

Bargain Bike!!!

Good Will find

We stopped in to Goodwill today after my oldest son’s orthodontics appointment, and look what we found! 

He was so excited!  It’s a brand new Mongoose stunt bike priced at a fraction of the cost of new.  The tag said it needed brakes.  But I was fairly confident that it just needed the cables adjusted.

He wasn’t real thrilled at the little skull design on the frame.  But he said he could just cover it over with electrical tape if he wanted.

So, we decided to buy it for an early birthday present for him (his birthday is coming up in mid-August).  Unfortunately, there won’t be a surprise on his actual birthday.  But, thankfully, he didn’t care.

We took it home and I tightened the brake cables.  It turned out to be a pretty easy fix.  I even swapped out the mongoose seat (above) for an extra gel-type seat we had from another bike.   

To say he is thrilled with the bike is an understatement.  He has always made do with yard sale jalopies.  So this is his first new (at least it looks brand new) bike.  And it is very similar to his best friend’s bike. 

To say I am thrilled would also be an understatement.  (Shopping for a twelve year old can be tough.) 

So, all in all, I think we both had a great day!  Sigh.  I love Goodwill.

1 comment:

Mari said...

Hooray! What a great deal. I'm happy for you both!